Correspondence regarding Rob McKenna's sign-on letter to Secretary of State Clinton in full support of Israel in Gaza

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, '09 - Response of Rob McKenna to our group

Dear Mr. Nelson:

Please forgive this email response; I had planned to send a letter but I do not have a mailing address on file for you.

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me about the National Association of Attorneys General sign-on letter concerning the conflict in Gaza. I am grateful for the effort you made to prepare for our meeting, and for your willingness to travel to our office in order to communicate your views. I have had the opportunity in the two meetings I've hosted recently to hear a wide range of views on the letter specifically and Israel-Gaza issues generally.

During these conversations, many questions and views were expressed about aspects of the conflict that go well beyond whether or not Israel was justified in its military response to rockets fired from Gaza. However, the letter that we signed was narrow in focus, responding only to Israel’s right to defend itself from these rockets. I stand by Israel’s right to self-defense. Israel was justified in responding with military force to the thousands of rockets being fired into its civilian areas from Gaza.

I share your concern for the innocent people of Gaza – the women, children and others harmed during the military action and by the restrictions on supplies that were put in place to prevent the movement of weapons. I share your deep regret that many innocent Gazans were hurt, both by Hamas’ positioning of weapons in densely populated areas and by Israel’s subsequent bombing of those locations.

It is critical that the people of Gaza receive relief and opening up supply lines will bring the food, medicine and rebuilding materials urgently needed. Achieving this will require a concentrated international effort by Israel, Gaza, the Palestinian Authority, neighboring states, the European Union, the United States and the United Nations.

Regardless of one’s point of view on this longstanding conflict, we can all agree that our focus today must remain on the plight of those caught in the crossfire who have suffered through no fault of their own.

Again, thank you for the effort you made to educate me on many aspects of this conflict. I look forward to future conversations.


Rob McKenna, Attorney General

(emphasis added)

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